For Authors

Requirements on registration of articles for publication in the journal “Sustainable Agriculture”


  • There are published original experimental scientific articles in the journal “Sustainable Agriculture” They are about the sustainability of agriculture during a period of significant decline in water situation and increase of water sources pollution in anthropogenic climate change in the short and long term.
  • There are not published articles that expound individual stages of research, which do not allow us to draw certain conclusions.
  • All articles are published in English.
  • All data must be accompanied by covering letter, which consists of 500 or fewer words, a summary of the significance of research, author’s consent to publication, a number of pictures and tables, support for manuscripts (articles) and additional information. In addition, it should be indicated the current telephone and fax numbers, postal address and e-mail address of the respective author to keep in touch.
  • For submitting documents (articles), you must send an electronic version to the editorial office, Brussels classification is necessary. The data should follow the recommendations “requirements for registration…”  The authors are fully liable for the originality of the article and its subjective and formal correctness.
  • Articles are presented carefully edited, typed in Microsoft Word and Times New Roman Font (Eurotimes font will not be accepted). (*.doc or *.rtf files) in the font size of 12 Times New Roman with A4 sheet format, after 1.15 interval, the size of the text restrictions: the margins at the top and bottom are 2.0 cm, on the left is 3.0 cm, on the right is 1.5 cm. Manuscripts of articles must be signed by authors and have a stamped reference from the institution where the work is done. It confirms that the materials are published for the first time. Moreover, all authors must submit a certificate ( from each scientific institution in which the research was carried out).
  • Abstract (summary) is a brief overview of all work, including the scheme, objectives, methods, result, and conclusions from the article. It should describe all significant facts of a scientific article and basic numerical data, including any statistical evaluation.
  • Abstract (summary) should not exceed 300 words (1-1.5 pages), it should be used as the standard nomenclature. There are not recommended to use any abbreviations in the title of the article or in the abstract. Keywords should be included.
  • When you prepare articles containing experimental data, the following scheme should be adhered to literature review, research objective, methodology, results, and conclusions. A Capacity of experimental articles is 15 pages, including a list of references, pictures, photographs, and tables. The title of the article should be short and understandable.
  • About the text:  the introduction should contain the main reasons for research, review and analysis of the appropriate literature on the subject of research and the proposed approach or solution.
  • The title of the section should be accompanied by some text preceding any heading of the subsection. All headings and subheadings in the article should be on the same level. There should be short headings for each section and subsection. Section headings should be in bold, subsections - in italics.
  • Data and methods. There all preliminary data, conducted experiments, their degree and conditions of carrying out should be described in detail in this section. All original procedures that were used for the processing of experimental material and all analytical methods used for the evaluation should also be detailed. The whole methodology should be described if it is original. In other cases, it is sufficient to show the author of the method and mention some special differences. You should also indicate the methods of statistical processing, including the used software.
  • Results and discussion. The results obtained from the experiments, including their statistical evaluation and commentary, should be presented graphically or in tabular form, the author must comment on the results and compare them with data published at other places (other authors), results should be written in the past tense. Results and discussion can be combined or given in a separate section. Detailed interpretation of the data should be included in the discussion section, not in the results section.

It is necessary to clearly use capital (uppercase) and lowercase letters and also upper and lower indices in formulas, equations, dependencies, etc. This prevents errors.

Mathematical formulas are created as separate objects in the formula editor and placed on center. Formulas referenced in the text must have continuous numbering. The formula number is placed in parentheses near the edge of the right margin. The size of the symbols in the formulas is normal is 14 pt, large is 18 pt, small is 7 pt, small index is 5 pt. For example:

  • References: only published or accepted manuscripts (articles) should be included in the list of references. Do not refer to abstracts, conferences or documents that were submitted but have not accepted yet. References should be listed and numbered in the order in which they appear in the text. Also, they should be indicated by a reference number in square brackets, multiple references in one set of parentheses must be separated by commas, for example: [1,5,7,28]. The list of references must be at least 20 names. It should be indicated the surnames and initials of all authors separated by comma. After they follows the year of publication in parentheses, the title of the article, the full title of the journal, the volume and page numbers. The names of the author (s) and year of publication should be listed by including them in the text directly, for example: “… as published by Chertovitsky A.S. (2017) or indirectly with the reference on the name (names) and on the year of publication in brackets (Chertovitsky A.S. and Ramazanov A. 2017), (Mirsaidov M.M. and others 2016).

Below you can observe the rules and examples of the design of the list of literature in English.

The list of references at the first time serves for tracking the authors’ and journals’ quotations. A correct description of the used sources at the list of literature is a guarantee that quoted publication will be taken into account at the assessment of its authors’ scientific activities, and therefore organization, region, state. By quoting, the journal there is determined its scientific level, credibility, the effectiveness of its editorial council, etc.

The structure of the list of literature n English differs from that prescribed by the Russian GOST. A dash, as well as a symbol // are not used in the description in English (Appendix 1).

  • Tables and pictures should be presented separately to the text, on a separate page at the end of the article, including their names and used units. The units of physical quantities are given in accordance with the International SI system. The names of chemical compounds, taxonomic names are given in accordance with the international nomenclature. Enables should be made in MS Word format ( format. Doc), graphics in MS Excel files (data files, xls), photos in jpg / .tiff format (resolution is not less than 300 dpi), all graphics and photos must be numbered, according to the order in which they are included in the text, using Arabic numerals. If any abbreviations are used in the articles first time, they should be explained accordingly.

Each table and picture must have a legend. It means the name along with a description that the reader can find useful for understanding the content. The legends for the tables are placed at the top of the table, the legends for the pictures are at the bottom. The headings of the tables and pictures should be completely descriptive, hidden to the left and bold. For the legend of the table, the first letters in each main word are written with the capital letter, for the legend of the picture the capital letters are written only for the first letter of the first word together with own nouns and adjectives. For example Table 1. Total natural river runoff in the Aral Sea basin (average annual runoff, km3 per year is SIC ICWC estimate) from 2001 to 2016. Picture 1. Areas of irrigated land suspended from the South Fergana Channel. In the text, there are used a small letter for the words “table” and “figure” if they do not appear at the beginning of the sentence.

Tables should be numbered according to the order of the reference and refer to them in the text. The tables should not contain empty graphs, dashes or abbreviated words. The digest of the table is typed in Times New Roman font is 9 рt, the head of the table is 8.5 pt. The digital material in the tables is printed at double intervals, the text of the head and outset is with a single one (Appendix 2).

  • Footnotes for tables. There are used small English letter for attaching footnotes to certain elements of the table, footnotes are placed below the bottom line of the table in the form of a paragraph (without indents). For general explanatory notes, you must use the “Note” header.

The parameter “Note” can identify the use of an asterisk (for example, one asterisk (*) is in the Syrdarya region (1970) and a double asterisk (**) is for some notations according to CANIIRI (Central Asian Research Institute of Irrigation), from 1980 to 1983.

Color images, figures can be played only in color mode (with a black and white printed version). If during the presentation of the article the author knows that color on the Internet is the preferred method of publication, in this case, there must be presented two files with figures: the black and white version must be marked for printing, and the color version must be marked online in the picture name file.

  • Through separate application, there must provide information about the full names of all manuscript’s authors, address (telephone, fax, and e-mail), the official name of the institution. The editorial staff reviews all received articles and the period of consideration of the article is 6 months.

· It is expected that the article is written in literate and well readable English. If it is necessary, authors should consult with the interpreter before sending an article. The article will not be checked in detail by the editorial board for the existence of linguistic mistakes. At the same time, the editors reserve the right to reject the article if there is a great number of linguistic mistakes.

· Each article that comes to the editorial office of the journal is sent for consideration to experts of the appropriate profile. As a rule, two experts are appointed for each article. The experts report their conclusions and assessments to the editor-in-chief of the journal, besides that, at least two conclusions must come to every article. Remarks and suggestions of experts are brought to the attention of the article author, after that he makes all necessary changes.

  • A copy of the journal with the published article is not sent to the authors and this journal is distributed only by subscription, the fee is not paid.

Appendix 1

1. Books and series publications

1.1. There are one-volume books, monographs, textbooks, collection of articles here:



а) of single author: 


Abdushukurov A.A. Ekhtimollar nazariyasi va matematik statistika [Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics]. Tashkent, Universitet Publ., 2010. 169 p. (in Uzbek)

Абдушукуров А.А. Эҳтимоллар назарияси ва математик статистика. – Тошкент: Университет, 2010. – 169 б.


Marchuk G.I. Metody vychislitelʻnoy matematiki [Methods of Numerical Mathematics]. Novosibirsk, Nauka Publ., 1983. 196 p.

Марчук Г.И. Методы вычислительной математики. – Новосибирск: Наука, 1983. – 196 с.


Crombie W. Process and Relation in Discourse and Language Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985. 156 p.

Crombie W. Process and Relation in Discourse and Language Teaching. – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985. – 156 p.

b) link to the whole source:


Godunov S.K., Ryabenʻkiy V.S. Raznostnye skhemy (vvedenie v teoriyu) [Theory of Difference Schemes: An Introduction]. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1992. 399 p.

Годунов С.К., Рябенький B.C. Разностные схемы (введение в теорию)/ Учеб. пособие для ВУЗов. – М.: Наука, 1992. – 399 с.


Dym C.L., Ivey E.S. Principles of Mathematical Modeling. N.Y.: Academic Press, 1980. 256 p.

Dym C.L., Ivey E.S. Principles of Mathematical Modeling. – N.Y.: Academic Press, 1980. – 256 p.

c) of two authors:


Ulmasov A., Vakhabov A.V. Iktisodiyot nazariyasi [Theory of Economics]. Tashkent, Shark Publ., 2006. 480 p. (in Uzbek)

Ўлмасов А., Вахобов А.В. Иқтисодиёт назарияси/ Дарслик. – Тошкент: “Шарқ” нашриёт-матбаа акциядорлик компанияси Бош таҳририяти, 2006. – 480 б.


Godunov S.K., Ryabenʻkiy V.S. Vvedenie v teoriyu raznostnykh skhem [Theory of Difference Schemes: An Introduction]. Moscow, Fizmatgiz Publ., 1982. 168 p. (in Russian)

Годунов С.К., Рябенький B.C. Введение в теорию разностных схем. – М.: Физматгиз, 1982. – 168 с.


Jacoby S.L., Kowalik J.S. Mathematical Modelling with Computers. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, Inc., 1980. 292 p.

Jacoby S.L., Kowalik J.S. Mathematical Modelling with Computers. – Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, Inc., 1980. – 292 p.

d) of three authors:


Mavlonova R., Turaeva O., Kholikberdiev K. Pedagogika [Pedagogy]. Tashkent, Ukituvchi Publ., 2002. 318 p.

Мавлонова Р., Тўраева О., Ҳоликбердиев К. Педагогика. – Тошкент: Ўқитувчи, 2002. – 318 б.


Koshlyakov N.S., Gliner E.B., Smirnov M.M. Differentsialʻnye uravneniya matematicheskoy fiziki [Differential equations of mathematical physics]. Moscow, Fizmatgiz Publ., 1962. 67 p.

Кошляков Н.С., Глинер Э.Б., Смирнов М.М. Дифференциальные уравнения математической физики. – М.: Физматгиз, 1962. – 67 с.

e) of four authors:


Khodiev B.Yu., Bekmuradov A.Sh., Gafurov U.V., Tukhliev B.K. Uzbekistan Respublikasi Prezidenti Islom Karimovning “Zhakhon moliyaviy-iktisodiy inkirozi, Uzbekiston sharoitida uni bartaraf etishning yullari va choralari” [The book by the President of Uzbekistan, Islam Karimov, entitled The global financial-economic crisis, ways and measures to overcome it in the conditions of Uzbekistan]. Tashkent, TDIU Publ., 2009. 120 p.

Ходиев Б.Ю., Бекмурадов А.Ш., Ғафуров У.В., Тухлиев Б.К. Ўзбекистон Республикаси Президенти Ислом Каримовнинг “Жаҳон молиявий-иқтисодий инқирози, Ўзбекистон шароитида уни бартараф этишнинг йўллари ва чоралари” номли асарини ўрганиш бўйича ўқув қўлланма. – Тошкент: ТДИУ, 2009. – 120 б.


Meshcherskaya A.B., Rukhovets L.V., Yudin M.I., Yakovleva N.I. Yestestvennye sostavlyayushchie meteorologicheskikh poley [The natural components of meteorological fields]. L.: Gidrometeoizdat Publ., 1970. 199 p.

Мещерская А.В., Руховец Л.B., Юдин М.И., Яковлева Н.И. Естественные составляющие метеорологических полей. – Л.: Гидрометеоиздат, 1970.– 199 с.

f) for the authors team:


Odilkoriev Kh.T., Ochilov B.E., Rakhmonov A.R., Khakimov R.T., Tansykbaeva G.M., Nikolaus P., Umarakhunov I.M., Bakaeva F.Kh., Rakhimova M.A., Sultonov Zh.K., Yuldasheva G., Mukhamedzhanov O.Zh. Khalkaro khukuk [International law]. Tashkent, Zharkalam Publ., TDYuI, 2003. 552 p.

Одилқориев Х.Т., Очилов Б.Э., Рахмонов А.Р., Хакимов Р.Т., Тансыкбаева Г.М., Николаус П.,Умарахунов И.М., Бакаева Ф.Х., Рахимова М.А., Султонов Ж.К., Юлдашева Г., Мухамеджанов О.З. Халқаро ҳуқуқ/ Дарслик. – Х.Т.Одилқориев таҳрири остида. – Тошкент: “Зарқалам", ТДЮИ, 2003. – 552 б.


Koroteev A.M., Belyaev T.A., Glushkov R.M., Zubkov S.M., Ivanov I.A., Petrov Yu.A., Tukhmanova S.A., Sarkisyan R.I., Solovʻev M.I., Shokin Yu.A. Planirovanie, organizatsiya i upravlenie transportnym stroitelʻstvom [Planning, organization and management of transport construction]. Moscow, Transport Publ., 1989. 286 p.

Коротеев А.М., Беляев Т.А., Глушков P.M., Зубков С.М., Иванов И.А., Петров Ю.А., Тухманова С.А., Саркисян Р.И., Соловьёв М.И., Шокин Ю.А. Планирование, организация и управление транспортным строительством/ Под ред. А.М.Коротеева. – М.: Транспорт, 1989. – 286 с.

j) periodical collections:


Khudoyberdiev I.S. Kibernetika va modellashtirish masalalari. Ilmiy makolalar tuplami. Suyuk aralashma kharakatini gidrodinamik modeli [Hydrodynamic Model of Liquid Compound Movement / Cybernetics and Modeling:]. Tashkent, UzR FA Kibernetika instituti, 2000. no.120. pp. 17-21. (in Uzbek)

Худойбердиев И.С. Суюқ аралашма ҳаракатини гидродинамик модели/ Кибернетика ва моделлаштириш масалалари: Илмий мақолалар тўплами – Тошкент: ЎзР ФА Кибернетика институти, 2000. – № 120. – Б. 17-21.


Akhmedova A.Kh. Voprosy kibernetiki. Sb. nauch. tr. Modelirovanie potrebnosti v kadrakh vysshey kvalifikatsii s ispolʻzovaniem sovremennyx informatsionnykh tekhnologiy [Modeling the need for highly qualified personnel using modern information technologies / Questions of cybernetics:]. Tashkent, IK AN RUz, 2004. no.170. pp. 35-39. (in Russian)

Ахмедова А.Х. Моделирование потребности в кадрах высшей квалификации с использованием современных информационных технологий/ Вопросы кибернетики: Сб. науч. тр. – Ташкент: ИК АН РУз, 2004. – вып. 170. – С. 35-39.

1.2. Multi-volume books:



a ) link to the whole source:


Khoshimov K., Ochil S. Uzbek pedagogikasi antologiyasi [Anthology of Uzbek pedagogy]. Vol.2. Tashkent, Ukituvchi Publ., 1996. 460 p.

Ҳошимов К., Очил С. Ўзбек педагогикаси антологияси. 2 томлик. – Тошкент: Ўқитувчи, 1996. – 460 б.


Fletcher K. Vychislitelʻnye metody v dinamike zhidkostey [Computational Techniques for Fluid Dynamics]. Vol.2. Moscow, Mir Publ., 1991. 504 p.

Флетчер К. Вычислительные методы в динамике жидкостей. В 2-х т. – М.: Мир, 1991. – 504 с.

b) description of an individual volume:


Alisher Navoiy. Makhbub ul-kulub [Makhbub ul-kulub]. Asarlar. Vol.15. Tashkent, Adabiyot va sanʻat, 1996. no.13. рp. 84-98.

Алишер Навоий. Маҳбуб ул–қулуб. Асарлар. Ўн беш томлик. – Тошкент: Адабиёт ва санъат, 1996. – 13-том. – Б. 84-98.


Sedov L.I. Mekhanika sploshnoy sredy [Continuum mechanics]. Vol.2. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1983. no.1. рp. 114-125.

Седов Л.И. Механика сплошной среды. В 2–х т. – М.: Наука, 1983.– Т.1.– С. 114-125.

2. Thesis and abstract of a thesis




Arzikulova D.N. Kasbiy kamolotning psikhologik uziga khos khususiyatlari. Psikh. fan. nom. … diss. avtoref. [Psychological peculiarities of professional development: psychology. subject, title. dissertation, abstract.]. Tashkent, TDPU, 2002. 22 p.

Арзиқулова Д.Н. Касбий камолотнинг психологик ўзига хос хусусиятлари: Псих. фан. ном. ... дис. автореф. – Тошкент: ТДПУ, 2002.–22 б.


Kuznetsov Yu.I. Postroenie informativnogo bazisa v zadachakh obshchey tsirkulyatsii atmosfery. Diss. … kand. fiz. – mat. nauk. [Construction of an informative basis in problems of general circulation of the atmosphere: Dissertation, candidate, physics – mathematics, science.]. Novosibirsk, VTs SO RAN, 1997. 134 p.

Кузнецов Ю.И. Построение информативного базиса в задачах общей циркуляции атмосферы: Дис. ... канд. физ. – мат. наук. – Новосибирск: ВЦ СО РАН, 1997. – 134 с.


Frolov V.V. Teoreticheskie problemy pravovogo regulirovaniya spetsialʻnykh ekonomicheskikh zon. Avtoref. diss. …kand. yurid. nauk. [Theoretical problems of legal regulation of special economic zones.]. Moscow, MGU, 1997. 22 p.

Фролов В.В. Теоретические проблемы правового регулирования специальных экономических зон: Автореф. дис. ... канд. юрид. наук. – М.: МГУ. 1997. – 22 с.

3. References to articles in magazines




Kurbonov Sh., Seytkhalilov E. Zhamiyat tarakkiyotida taʻlim [Education in the development of society]. Khalk taʻlimi. Tashkent, 2003. no.6. pp. 4-38. (in Uzbek)

Қурбонов Ш., Сейтхалилов Э. Жамият тараққиётида таълим// Халқ таълими. – Тошкент, 2003. – № 6. – Б. 4-38.


Mukhamedov A. Uzbek kompʻyuter lingvistikasi: rivozhlanish tarikhi, buguni va kelazhagi [Uzbek Computer Linguistics: Past, Present and Future Perspectives]. Uzbek tili va adabiyoti. Tashkent, 2001. no.3. pp.37-41. (in Uzbek)

Мухамедов А. Ўзбек компьютер лингвистикаси: ривожланиш тарихи, бугуни ва келажаги// Ўзбек тили ва адабиёти. – Тошкент, 2001. – № 3. – Б. 37-41.


Bakhvalov N.S. K optimizatsii metodov resheniya kraevyx zadach pri nalichii pogranichnogo sloya [On the optimization of the methods for solving boundary value problems in the presence of a boundary layer]. Zhurnal vychisl. matem. i matem. fiziki. Moscow, 1969. no.4(9). pp. 841-859. (in Russian)

Бахвалов Н.С. К оптимизации методов решения краевых задач при наличии пограничного слоя// Журнал вычисл. матем. и матем. физики – Москва. 1969. – № 4 (9). – С. 841-859.


Akhmedov A.I. Rolʻ kommercheskikh bankov v razvitii ekonomiki Uzbekistana [Role of Commercial Banks in the Economic Development of Uzbekistan]. Ekonomicheskiy vestnik Uzbekistana. Tashkent, 2005. no.5. pp. 20-22. (in Russian)

Ахмедов А.И. Роль коммерческих банков в развитии экономики Узбекистана// Экономический вестник Узбекистана. – Ташкент, 2005. – № 5. – С. 20-22.


Rakhimova F.S. Ispolʻzovanie podvijnykh igr pri obuchenii uzbekskomu yazyku mladshikh shkolʻnikov [The use of outdoor games in teaching the Uzbek language of junior schoolchildren]. Prepodovanie yazyka i literatury. Tashkent, 2004. no.2. pp. 41-43. (in Russian)

Рахимова Ф.С. Использование подвижных игр при обучении узбекскому языку младших школьников// Преподование языка и литературы. – Ташкент, 2004. – № 2. – С. 41-43.


Kurbatkin G.P., Zulunov S.M., Frolov A.B., Pokudov A.B. Nelineynoe soglasovanie poley vetra i davleniya pri chislennom prognoze pogody po polnym uravneniyam [Nonlinear matching of wind and pressure fields in the numerical weather prediction by the complete equations/ Meteorology and hydrology]. Meteorologiya i gidrologiya. Moscow, 1988. no.12. pp. 5-13. (in Russian)

Курбаткин Г.П., Зулунов С.М., Фролов А.В., Покудов А.В. Нелинейное согласование полей ветра и давления при численном прогнозе погоды по полным уравнениям// Метеорология и гидрология. – Москва, 1988.– № 12.– С. 5-13.


Daley R. Variational nonlinear normal "mode initialization. Tellus. Stockholm (Sweden), 1978. vol.30, N 3. pp. 201-218.

Daley R. Variational nonlinear normal "mode initialisation// Tellus. – Stockholm (Sweden), 1978. – vol. 30, N 3. – pp. 201-218.


Rakhmatullaev M. Advanced information Library infrastructure: As an Important Social Tool for the Prevention of Crisis Situations in Central Asia. Library Hi Tech News. MCB University Press, England, 2002. vol.19, N 9. pp. 12-14.

Rakhmatullaev M. Advanced information Library infrastructure: As an Important Social Tool for the Prevention of Crisis Situations in Central Asia// Library Hi Tech News. – MCB University Press, England, 2002.– vol. 19, N 9. – pp. 12-14.

4. References to collections of learned works

4.1.  link to the whole source:




Mustakillik sharoitida oila va shakhs kamoloti. Nizomiy nomidagi TDPU Ilmiy ishlar tup. [Independence of the family and personality in the conditions of maturity: Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami, Collection of scientific works.]. Tashkent, 1997. pp. 73.

Мустақиллик шароитида оила ва шахс камолоти: Низомий номидаги ТПДУ Илмий ишлар тўп. – Тошкент, 1997. – 73 б.


Intellektualʻnoe obshchenie s EVM. Sb. nauch. tr. TashGU [Intellectual communication with the computer]. Tashkent, 1986. 270 p.

Интеллектуальное общение с ЭВМ: Сб. науч. тр. ТашГУ. – Ташкент, 1986. – 270 с.

4.2. Links to the article




Rustamov Sh. Kuzgi bugdoy begona utlari va ularni yukotish omillari. Agrar fani: yutuklari va istikbollari. SamKKhI ilmiy ishlar tuplami [Wheat weeds and their loss factors / Agrarian science: achievements and prospects. Samarkand Agricultural Institute, Collection of scientific works]. Samarkand, 2001. pp. 27-30.

Рустамов Ш. Кузги буғдой бегона ўтлари ва уларни йўқотиш омиллари/ Аграр фани: ютуқлари ва истиқболлари// СамҚХИ илмий ишлар тўплами. – Самарқанд, 2001. – Б. 27-30.


Ivanova G.S. Izmeneniya v sisteme svyortyvaniya krovi u bolʻnyx zlokachestvennymi opukholyami. Sb. nauch. trudov Instituta biologii AN RK [Changes in the blood coagulation system in patients with malignant tumors]. Almaty, 1980. pp. 214-217.

Иванова Г.С. Изменения в системе свёртывания крови у больных злокачественными опухолями// Сб. науч. трудов Института биологии АН РК,– Алматы, 1980.– С. 214-217.


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Appendix 2

Table 1

The frequency of occurrence of the reverse of ranks due to evaluating by three criteria method